"The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking you've got to have a what-the-hell attitude."
Julia Child

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

sweet apple cinnamon tart

ok, so this is about as easy as cinnamon toast, but its cruchier, munchier, and all around better! and there are apples on it! yummm. clearly, this is great brainfood.


1 burrito-sized tortilla shell (these should be a staple for making quesadillas anyways! i always keep these!)

1 large apple or 2 smaller apples

cinnamon- sugar mix (equal parts cinnamon and sugar; for this recipe i usually use 2 Tablespoons of each)



1) spread a thin layer of butter on the tortilla shell
2) peel the apple and core it (you can just cut the sides off of it close to the core so you end up with 4 chunks of apple)
3) thinly slice the apple chunks (so that you make pieces that will lie flat on the tortilla)
4) lay the apple slices on the tortilla so that they cover the entire shell (they can overlap some, it's ok)
5) sprinkle liberally with the cinnamon sugar mixture
6) put a few little pieces of butter scattered on top of the cinnamon (you only need about 6 or so, just make sure they're evenly dispersed-- this will keep the apples from drying out)
7) bake in the oven at 400° for 10-12 minutes
8) cut into slices (like a pizza) and enjoy!

time breakdown
apple preparation: 3-5 minutes
buttering/apple-ing the tortilla: 1-2 minutes
baking: 10 minutes

i love making this to eat while i study; it is great comfort food!!

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