"The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking you've got to have a what-the-hell attitude."
Julia Child

Monday, June 28, 2010

smoothie addendum:

(yes, i looked that word up before i used it....)

i have discovered a wonderful secret to make smoothies even easier! are you ready?

FROZEN FRUIT!! if you use frozen fruit, it thickens the smoothie and you don't have to add ice! so all of you with mini freezers in your mini fridges and don't have ice, pack a bag of frozen fruit in there and you can use that instead! my favorite right now is a peach berry smoothie:

i use one carton (6 oz) of plain (non-flavored) yogurt, a large handful of frozen mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries-- they come mixed together) and 2 large handfuls of frozen peaches, and a splash of apple juice. blend until smooth! YUM!

another great recipe, if you are feeling tropical:

one carton (6 oz) of pineapple coconut yogurt (danon light n fit has this flavor; this is the brand i use), one large banana, one handful of frozen peaches, and a splash of orange juice. blend until smooth, and imagine yourself on the beach! (even if you are stuck inside studying...)

enjoy; i know i do!!

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