"The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking you've got to have a what-the-hell attitude."
Julia Child

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

chinese take out... without the drive!

you know it, we all love chinese. it's the best and easiest thing to take out. so what would be even better than the convenience of yummy take-out?? making it, of course!

so, here is a nice and easy chinese takeout-esque dish that eliminates the need for driving to get it! awesome.


1 pkg oriental style ramen noodles

3 medium-to-large sized raw chicken tenders (i buy a huge bag of chicken tenders-- not breaded-- in the freezer section; they don't take long to cook at all and they're always there when i want them for pasta or on top of a salad or anything random!)

1 small pkg frozen peas

1 pkg shredded carrots

soy sauce (optional)

1) cook up the ramen noodles according to the directions on the package (including stirring in the package of oriental seasoning). set aside. **Note: you can make these in the microwave! i recommend it because it is less dishes to clean!**
2) drizzle some olive oil in the bottom of a saute pan. cook the chicken tenders (about 3 minutes on each side) until they are cooked through.
3) cut up the tenders into bite sized pieces (you can do this step while they are still in the pan)
4) get 1/2 cup of the oriental flavored soup from the ramen noodles (do not get the noodles from the pot yet) and pour it into the saute pan with the chicken
5) add in 1/2 package of frozen peas to the chicken
6) add in 1/2 package (about 2 big handfuls) of shredded carrots
7) allow the chicken, peas, carrots and soup to cook together for about 5 minutes (if it looks like the mixture is getting too dry, you can add the ramen noodle soup to the mixture-- 1/4 cup at a time. you do not want this to get too soupy though!!)
8) add in the noodles into the chicken and veggies mixture (do not pour in the noodles AND the soup, grab the noodles out with a fork or tongs)
9) if you would like to add extra soy sauce (some like it saucier than others!), then do so here
10) let this saute together for about 3-4 minutes, to let the noodles get hot again and incorporate with the veggies

time breakdown:
ramen noodle cooking: 2-3 minutes (if in microwave)-- do this during the chicken cooking time, it's more efficient!!
chicken cooking: 6-8 minutes
veggies & chicken cooking together: 5 minutes
final saute with chicken, veggies, and noodles: 3 minutes

if you would like to add to the effect, eat it with chopsticks. i, however, do not possess the finger coordination to use such utensils. so i will use my fork. either way you choose, enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. PS-- this recipe was posted in dedication to amy curtis! she wanted chinese food and i delivered. literally! haha!
